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2 v 2 Offense to Defense to Break-Out

By Minnesota Hockey & Coach Them, 12/16/24, 9:00AM CST



This week's Drill of the Week comes from Wes Bolin, who is the Head Coach of the Woodbury High School Boys Hockey team. Wes has also been a key leader of Minnesota Hockey's Player Development team.


  • The purpose of the drill is to get players to transition from offense to defense and to make quick break-out passes.
  • The drill starts with Blue X players crossing above the tires, making a drop pass, and attacking the Red X players 2 v 2.
  • As soon as the drill begins, the next Red X players skate quickly into break-out position by the hash marks.
  • When the Red X defending players get control of the puck, they quickly make a break-out pass to their Red X teammates, who quickly cross above the tires and attack the Blue X players who were originally on offense, and now these players become the defenders.
  • The original Red X players are finished and should sprint to the end of the line.


  • Emphasize quick passes from defending players to break-out players.
  • Allow offensive players to make a drop pass above the tires; defenders cannot defend above the tires.
  • If a goal is scored or the goalie freezes the puck, the coach can pass directly to the next players waiting for the break-out pass to keep the pace up.

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Drill of the Week

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