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Net Front Split

By Minnesota Hockey & The Coaches Site, 09/23/24, 11:30AM CDT



This week's Drill of the Week, presented by Coach Them, comes from USA Hockey's Manager of Player Development - Goaltending, Steve Thompson. Thompson began his career as a goalie for the University of Alaska Fairbanks. After that, he began coaching at the University of Alaska Anchorage before taking on the role of Manager of Goaltending Development for USA Hockey. Thompson has coached multiple USA Hockey national teams as well during his time with USA Hockey.


  • F1 carries the puck up the half wall and cuts around the cone back towards the goal line. While F1 is skating with the puck, F2, F3, and D1 are clustered closely at the hashmarks, and at any point they are going to split, with F2 going to the weak side of the ice and F3 going to the strong side of the ice.
  • Once the split takes place, D1 has to choose one of the two forwards to take away and cannot change their decision.
  • F1 can then either shoot from a bad angle to try and generate a rebound or pass to the open forward, who D1 did not take away.
  • The goal is for the goaltender to shoulder-check when F1 has his back to the play during their cut. Once the goalie has identified which of the net front forwards is open, they must adjust their positioning based on their read. F2 and F3 can stay high or go low to the net, and they should mix it up to give the goalie different looks.
  • It is also critical that the goaltender and defender are communicating and working together. Goalies and defenders get a point for every successful sequence, and the F group gets a point for every goal. First team to 4 points wins.


  • Shoulder Checks
  • Communication
  • Depth Management
  • Push Angles
  • Butterfly Slides vs. Holding Edges
  • Competing on Rebounds
  • Squareness to Shooter or Pass Option

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Drill of the Week

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