To all Adult Minnesota/USA Hockey registered players for the 2023-24 season.
An election for the Minnesota Hockey Board of Directors, Adult Director will be held to fill the vacant position previously held by Brandon Koontz. I have been asked by Steve Oleheiser, Minnesota Hockey President, to conduct the election. The term of the director position is three years. We would like to extend a thank you to Brandon Koontz for representing the Adults on the Minnesota Hockey Board of Directors.
The duties of the MH Adult Director as outlined in the Minnesota Hockey bylaws are as follows:
Adult and Women Directors: Adults and Women shall each have a representative Director on the Board. These Directors shall represent their respective areas, perform such other duties as assigned to them by the President and shall be elected at a caucus of the representatives from the registered teams in each classification.
As outlined in the MH bylaws, the election shall be conducted by a caucus of representatives from the registered teams. As such we will be asking the respective affiliate leagues to poll their adult players and represent them as a caucus to elect the Adult Director. Each representative will be voting the number of registered adult players participating in their program.
If you are interested in running for the MH Adult Director, please indicate such to me, at by August 17, 2024. Please include a brief resume of your hockey experience and any additional information you would like to share for the election.
The election caucus will be scheduled early in September 2024.
Thank you,
Dave Margenau
Minnesota Hockey, Past President