Members of the Grand Rapids Amateur Hockey Association take part in an ADM clinic on Hockey Day Minnesota 2013

  • Take advantage of social media. It is a free resource, and there are a growing number of kids & parents present on these mediums that you can promote hockey to.
  • Use your local cable/TV networks and radio stations. Many are willing to include public service announcements at no cost that can help promote youth hockey in the area.
  • Generate a list of potential stories about your association and submit to local newspaper. Successful alumni, current players overcoming major challenges, and unprecedented growth or success are topics that many newspapers are interested in writing on but may not know about them without your assistance.
  • Place hockey posters in your community with association contact information
  • Promote safety initiatives such as Heads Up, Don’t Duck, SafeSport, no checking rules and leagues, and no fighting in youth hockey to develop a safer perception of hockey
  • Highlight the education reward programs (ex: SKATE) your association participates in as this type of academic encouragement isn’t common in other youth sports
  • Promote your involvement in Hockey Day Minnesota.  This event has developed notoriety outside of the hockey community and can be a great tool to introduce new people to the sport.