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Register Now for 2018 Association Leader Conference

By Minnesota Hockey, 03/01/18, 12:45PM CST


Registration for Minnesota Hockey’s third annual Association Leader Excellence Conference (ALEC) opened today. The conference, which will be held April 27-28 at the Marriott Minneapolis West in St. Louis Park, MN, provides youth hockey volunteers in Minnesota with opportunities for learning best practices and networking with leaders at the local, state and national levels.

Over its first two years, the Association Leader Excellence Conference has hosted more than 250 youth hockey volunteers from 75 associations.  Participants traveled have from all corners of Minnesota to take part in sessions focused on topics ranging from legal aspects of operating youth athletic associations to membership development and much more.

“Minnesota Hockey depends on outstanding volunteers all over the state who devote so much time and energy toward making a memorable experience for hockey playing boys and girls,” said Glen Andresen, Minnesota Hockey Executive Director. “The Association Leader Excellence Conference provides the tools for these volunteers and leaders to gain ideas on how to enhance their respective programs.”

In 2018, the Association Leader Excellence Conference will once again place an emphasis on providing opportunities for networking and idea sharing based on feedback from previous participants. Sessions will continue to be offered on topics such as local discipline, finance, growing the game, and player development, as well as new topics such as goalie development.

Conference attendees are expected to include, but are not limited to, association presidents, vice presidents, treasurers, registrars, hockey directors, girls' coordinators, mite coordinators and more.

The event is scheduled to begin the evening of Friday, April 27, 2018 and will conclude in mid-afternoon on Saturday. Minnesota Hockey will supply attendees from Minnesota Hockey affiliates with affordable lodging rates, two complimentary meals and a subsidy for those traveling more than 100 miles.

New this year, Minnesota Hockey will be opening the conference to USA Hockey affiliated associations from outside the state’s boundaries. Attendees from outside of Minnesota will be charged a fee to cover expenses associated with event materials, food and beverage.

To register for the 2018 Association Leader Excellence Conference, click here. For lodging information, click here

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